I am home!

14 April 2014
Hej! Jag kom hem sent igar kvall fran New York City! Vi spenderade mest av tiden i Philadelphia men flog hem fran JFK flygplatsen i New York! Jag hade det sa roligt dar, traffade manga folk, och manga nya platser! Jag ar bara sa glad men trott. Jag ska skriva mer om det i nasta inlagg, far se om jag har tiden under veckan, annars gor jag det under helgen!
Hey! I came home late yesterday evening from New York City! We spent most of the time in Philadelphia but flew to home from JFK Airport in New York! I had it so fun there, met many people and many new places! I am only so happy but tired. I will write more about that in next update, I will see if I have time to write during this week, or during the weekend!
Kram/hug Kalle!


