Washington DC, here I come!

31 Mars 2014
Nu pa fredag aker vi till Washington D.C.! Det ska bli skit roligt att se Washington DC och besoka Gallaudet University! :D Vi aker for att tavla dar i Academic Bowl Tournament. Vi vann nyss i Austin, Texas sa vi gar vidare till Gallaudet! Blir roligt att traffa folk fran hela USA, tavla och se huvudstaden! Jag ser verkligen fram emot resan! Vi flyger tidigt pa fredag morgon till Atlanta, Georgia och byter dar och fortsatter till Washington DC! Efter detta aker jag till Philadelphia och traffar min vardfamilj dar och fortsatter min resa i East USA! :D I'm so excited for that! :D Jag vet inte om jag hinner att blogga under veckan och nar jag ar i Washington DC eller Philly! Vi ses! :D

Calm weekend.

31 Mars 2014
I helgen har jag bara tagit det lugnt, family time kan man säga. Abby är i Kalifornien på ett möte så det är bara vi fyra plus hundarna hemma. Vi bjöd några grannar över en basket match här hemma, det var mat från Buffalo Wild Wings, mumsigt! Sen gick följde jag med David till hans match, något som heter flag game. Vi alla gick på bion, jag tittade på Divergent, bra film! :) Läste min manus hela helgen för att komma ihåg mina repliker. :)

Job preparation!

31 Mars 2014
Några dagar sedan åkte vi som har job preparation class till en plats och hjälpte till att packa ner mat till fattiga folk! Det kändes bra att hjälpa till. Vi fick varsin gul tshirt som vi fick använda under tiden. Tim, jag och Amberley!

Zoo show i skolan!

31 Mars 2014
Vilken djurföreställning! Jag hade rehearsal kl sju så jag hann bara se showen i 30 minuter. Roligt att se alla djur, jag missade reptiler men det spelar inte roll. Papegojan var så rolig, den klättrade på mitt huvud och bet mig! Alla skrattade bara åt mig haha.. Kameleonts är bara så coola! De ändrar färger! :D 

Ny kamera!

31 Mars 2014
Hej! Jag vet att jag är en dålig bloggare, jag är bara så upptagen hela tiden nu för tiden och det är svårt att hinna skriva på bloggen, men jag försöker mitt bästa. Jadå, jag köpte en ny kamera för några veckor sedan för att min gamla gick sönder när jag var i Denver. Den nya är super bra, den har dessutom "fish-eye" haha! Jag är väldigt nöjd! Jag är med i Academic Bowl, Track och Drama Club, det är mycket att göra varje dag. Önskar ibland att jag har mer än 24 timmar varje dag, då skulle jag hinna göra allt som jag planerat. Men det är ju livet. :)
Hey! I know that I'm a lousy bloger, I'm only so busy all time now and it's difficult to find a time to write on the blog, but I'm trying my best. Well, I bought a new camera for some weeks ago because my old was destroyed when I was in Denver. The new is super good, at least it's "fish-eye" haha! I'm very satisfied. I am within Academic Bowl, Track and Drama Club, it's a lot to do every day. I wish sometimes that I have more than 24 hours every day, because I would have time to do everything as I have planned. But that's Life. :)

Things from my country!

16 Mars 2014
Two days since I got two boxes from my mom and grandma in Sweden! You guys have no idea about how happy I got! It's a special feeling when I see the marabou and newspapers at Swedish! Sadly, the candy is already devoured by me.. I have said to my mom to send more candy and marabou, it's a must. I love my family who sent me wonderful things, I got candy, newspapers, chocolate marabou, three T-shirts and postcards!


16 Mars 2014
It happened for some days since when it was a storm here..

The dinner in NMSD

16 Mars 2014
The food was not so great as I thought but it was nice to be there, talked with some old staffs, and President's wife, she is so nice! :) It was not so many NMSD people there, most supporters from other places. :) Im looking forward for real St. Patrick's Day now at Monday in school with my friends. :)

Pi Day 2014!

15 Mars 2014
Yesterday it was March 14, 2014! It's called for Pi Day because the form is 3.14. We celebrated it in the school, I don't like math but the day was fun. :) Sorry that I didn't shoot pictures because it's not allowed to use phone in school. We had activists and ate cookies after. A nice end to the weekend now. Soon I and my host family will go the school because it's St. Patrick's Day festival and dinner. It will be awesome! :D St. Patrick's Day is really now at Monday but we celebrate it early :)
See ya :D 

Citizenship Award

15 Mars 2014
I forgot to tell you guys that I became the Student of the Months in Januari. :) Awesome feeling that the school chose me! Proud of myself!

Track has started!

15 Mars 2014
I'm with the track team and yesterday and last Thursday we went to Santa Fe High School and practiced there by the hills. It was hell first day but another day it was easier because I was already used. :)

"the life in cottage"

10 Mars 2014
Estefany! She is with in the rehearsal group too.  
Beautiful old railroad.
A lot art in Santa Fe.
We walked around in Plaza with the staffs. A nice evening to remember :)

New in!

10 Mars 2014
Tomorrow Track and Field starts, Im looking forward it so much! I cant wait to run! I really need to practice again after a long time. I bought run pants too and one couple slippers to use in the cottage :)

Won the Championship in Texas!

10 Mars 2014
I had a amazing weekend in Austin, Texas! We competed against 12 other deaf schools from southwest regional! I am not kidding, I had it so fun! Met many nice people, and made new friends, it's so cool! We won the Championship and it feels so great for us! I couldn't believe that we just won! The last round was against Louisiana and we WON!! :D I was overwhelmed and had it so fun! I love you who made my weekend!
Academic Bowl Selfies! :D
Texas School for the Deaf is soo big! I was lost some times but I did find ways after!
Coaches's competition!
Our mascot Dusty! He is a roadrunner!
Champ food, so Texas style! "Everything is bigger in Texas!"
Our bedroom!
So many people in the auditorium when it was championship game!
We are best, the man stands behind me is the President at Gallaudet, Mr Hurwitz. :)
Many new people! I have met more people but I cant put on all pictures :) so nice people!
My new friends from Utah! :) Jojo and Danny!
We flew home happy and satisfied! :D
New Mexico landcape! I will never forget the weekend! <3


10 Mars 2014
Sorry that I didn't update my blog until now because I was and am so busy now! It's a lot things all time but now I show pictures from the trip to Arizona! We drove almost eight hours to Tucson. But it was worth that! ;) Enjoy the pictures! :)
We drove past White Sands, so beautiful, but I and my host family will go there again some day!
In Tucson! Very beautiful city! I felt like that it was little Californian feeling because the palms :)
We lived there cottage for three days.
I <3 palms
Have to drink water in hot Arizona, it's very warm there.
Thousand cactus everywhere!
Almost three meters high!
We in NM again, in a city named Hatch! The city products a lot of different kind of chili! Very famous in the world! We ate in a famous restaurant, Sparky's. Very delicious hamburger! :)


04 Mars 2014
Sorry, I feel so bad for my blog and my readers! I really almost don't have time to write here because I'm so busy all time, my life is so good and it's difficult to priority my blog right now. It has happened a lot now, I went to Arizona and Texas! And I'm in the drama club at school. All homeworks consume my time and I can't help about it! It's only three months left until I'm back in Sweden. Unimaginably! I'm promising that I'll write about my trips to Arizona and Texas soon! I and my best Academic Bowl won the Southwest championship! I'm so happy, I cant find a better team! It was so fun and I have plans in spring break! Soon I and my team will go to the Nationals in Washington D.C. I'm excited! :D
Hugs, Kalle!